Tuesday, 25 May 2010


I probably dont deserve a Rant but seeing as how I am here and I have written the "Rant" word I am going to jump straight in.

However, I cant jump straight in because my head is so FULL of RANTS that I am at a complete loss to where to begin... just as I think I need to rant about one thing another pops up and demands its cyber space.  The  fascist, sexist racist gits that seem to be ALL OVER facebook at the moment (for example) - there.  I have jumped in (not waving now but drowning).  What is it all about and why are they targeting the kids?  Well, obviously we know why but pur-lease.  Is it not obvious to everyone that some gitty UKIP or BNP twits have hi-jacked the airwaves and are attempting to make people foam at the mouth with Pavlovian Drooling "get em" responses?  The Polish have demanded that "we" remove the English flag from our pubs/shops/houses/skips etc because it "offends" "Them"......  Oh really,?  Which "Pole" actually "demanded this?  Show him/or her to me.  Let me speak a while with them.  Are "they" the same "Poles" to whom everyone on Facebook is demanding they "take their 'turbans' off.  Which turban-wearing Bhurka touting job-stealing- benefit scrounging Pole is it?

1 comment:

  1. well then Annie... you and Andy need to start a club for the disgruntled X Gen.....

    oh and fuck the twats who already have the reluctant vegetarian... yours is the best!
