Monday, 7 June 2010

I'm Not Complaining but.....

this is ridiculous, himself did "the shopping" for the third week in a row. (take that last word every way you can- except obviously he didnt row a boat to the shops...)  this time, gentle reader, I was asked to decant the "shopping" from the boot of the car.  (sigh)  This I duly did and then set about the Hunca Munca type task of putting the groceries away.  Except.  There Were No Groceries.

This is the weekly shop.
Item No. 1.   A whole bag of bits from Halford, a bicycle set, chain oil, a new bell, and various other bits that obviously have something to do with bikes.

Items No. 2 and 3 - Two (large) bags of dried crunchy cat food kibble.  (note:  cat has barely enough teeth left to eat and has lately taken to sucking rabbits to death.)

Item No. 4 - 6 tins of Tripey flavour Dog Meat.

Item No. 5 - Large bag of onions

Item No. 6 - Large Bag of Carrots.

(For comedy's sake I could also include the (item no. 7) which would have been the large pack of tablets for a Dishwasher - Note:  We do not have a dishwasher.)  This however, would be cheating because this item was actually in the shopping a little while ago....but, again, does anyone spot a theme.....

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