Monday 2 July 2012

Post Haste

I no longer know or indeed care whether anyone reads these ramblings or not.  I would rather it was not...  I try to stagger on but find myself more and more stagnant tepid and probably smelling of biscuits.

I wrote the above sad sentence over a year ago, I found it lurking in the "draft" section of this Blog, it is true that I have not written anything on here for about that long, where was I when I wrote the above?  I actually do know, I remember only too well, but for the sake of sanity I have decided to draw a veil over the intervening 12 months or so.  Suffice to say, that I am still here, some others didnt make it.  I miss them and wish they could have stayed longer.

In any event, life goes on, I have noticed that about life.  It continues.  Whatever happens in the meantime, which is always a surprise.  Him indoors often says that I am a natural pessimist.  A "Glass half empty" attitude, whereas he is a "Glass half full" - I don't understand this metaphor, surely they are the same amount of full.  Besides, I am neither, I just drink the whole bloody glass and look for a refill.  What?  It is the only sensible thing to do in the circumstances!

It has been over a year since Him Indoors, became Him Indoors.  Before he was made redundant (for the third time in as many years!) I suppose he was Him At Work.  Job Seeking seems to be a job in itself.  I can only imagine the hopelessness of younger people looking for their first job, particularly if they have been unemployed for a long time, there are kids now who are never going to be able to get a job.  People are institutionalised so quickly when they are unemployed.  It is bad enough for the middle aged, our generation at least has known employment, full employment for the most part.  I remember getting a job in the morning and walking out at lunchtime to find another job because I didn't like the atmosphere or, the boss or something. And, here's the thing, I almost always got another job by the time lunchbreak was over.  I am sure that was not just my experience either.

Get this, I actually went to an INTERVIEW recently, the advert said that they wanted - get this.... A GRADUATE (tick) someone with a BUSINESS DIPLOMA (tick) someone who could TYPE AT SPEED  (tick) someone who was presentable and intelligent with English A Level  (tick (ish) ) etc etc etc.... The "JOB" was data input.  DATA INPUT !!!  It was minimum wage and in a freezing cold warehouse.  I WANTED  THE JOB!!!!!    I got an interview and KNEW almost instantly that I would not be offered this job... I knew I didn't CLICK!   This is what it has come to.  The advert was in the paper again this week, oh my life - I am now "Previous Applicants Need Not Apply".  The shame!

Oh well, life goes on and all that.  Now you need to be a High Achieving Graduate with Business and Typing and computer skills for Data Entry - I shall need to brush up on my ability to suppress my disbelieving stares and mug up on my sycophantic fitting in skills.  Joy.


  1. oh dear... firstly, yes we read it here down Belleau Cottage way... and secondly... join the club and let's all go rob a bank...

  2. Maybe you should put your nationality as POLISH. They usually have few qualifications, yet seem to get employment easily. Perhaps it's because they are happy to accept half-minimum-wage.
