Monday, 2 July 2012

In Which She Rambles Aimlessly....

One knows when one is going to ramble aimlessly, even before one starts, she typed.  "Oh God",  She thought, "This is going to be worse than one of those Family Guy fill in running gags where they slip any old joke in just to make the time up".  "Except, " she mused, "I havent even got a small joke to insert and chisel into the narrative".

A new paragraph sometimes rescues one from the overwhelming ennui.  Not this time however.  Should she go over, around or through the Writers Block?  she wondered.  She could possibly start by dispensing with the unbeliveably poserish third person narrative.

So, I am now starting with the first person pronoun and it will be clear to even the most casual of observers that this ruse has not made any difference to the quality of the content.

Elderly.  Now, there's a thing.  Just because a person has been breathing for a long time does that mean that they have necessarily acquired more of  a"take" on life?  This is not a trick question.  Who among us can put their hand on their (aging) heart and say that they are a fundamentally wiser person than they were.... a year ago, ten years, 20, 30?  Who, in actual fact feels more or less the same about things (only slightly less passionate) (well ok, less passionate, bordering on apathy)  than they did when they were much younger?

I believe it to be not beyond the bounds of possibility that I have wised up somewhat since I was in my early 20's - but, truely cannot prove it.    Do I feel less passionate about things?  Or have those things just changed about which I feel passion.  When did passion start to be filed in my mind next to, for example, lemon drizzle cake, or the new series of Nurse Jackie?

I write (sometimes) in this Blog, as though it were a private diary, and yet it cannot be for it is open at the page for any casual browser to look through.  I am laying myself open to all (probably correct) charges of obscene narcissism just by typing rambling words on white screens.  

We are all Narcissistic Now - Discuss.  How many friends can you possible have?  On Facebook for example it appears that you can have thousands.  Now, I am obviously old enough to realise, as you all do, that it is not possible to have thousands of "friends"  IRL - see I can even use FB terms and phraseology  - not that happy with it though - In Real Life.  That's better.  I mean, seriously, what sort of human being would have even 100 friends, 50?  I thnk the true number is more likely to be below 20.  And, if we were to be truthful by the age of 50 plus, you can count proper friends on a couple of fingers.....

Networking.  That is what we oldies think of it as... we are not amassing friends just a sort of insurance policy - we might need these people at some point.  They may be able to further our various aims or help us out in some way.  I, however, gave up NetWorking almost before it had been invented.  I viewed it then, as now, as some vile insideous viral infection.  Be honest, if you have been "Networked" yourself, you feel used and - dear Lord!  sometimes inadequate.... Hideously I have had the feeling many, many times, that someone is "Networking" me, only to discover the sad truth that I am of no possible use to them in any way.  Then, despite my horror of being used in this way, I find myself even more horrified to be found wanting.  I start to wheedle and embellish my usefulness - I actually start to want to be NETWORKED!!! God Almighty, what have we come to????


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