Monday, 2 July 2012


I had almost forgotten that I had started this Blog back in the mists of time.... I feel that perhaps I should update my Reader with news of what has been happening since I last posted my inane thoughts.  However, since nothing has been happening I am at a loss.

I can report however, that Him Indoors has decided to embrace the long forgotten art of FORAGING.  Yes, The Enthusiastic Vegetarian with whom I share my life has been out rummaging among nettles and cowslips and attempting to find things to put on our table for food.

Never, ever ever, have I been so GRATEFUL that he is a committed Vegetarian.  I can only imagine the kind of scene I would be confronted with if he was foraging and a CARNIVORE.  However, since I do not have to deal with Road Kill Badgers, Bunnies, Pheasants and the like, nor do I (mental shudder) have to prise fat white grubs out of bits of log for protein, I must give thanks and continue to raid the culinary expertise of my friends at Belleau Kitchen for recipes for the various flora (while leaving the Fauna for other appetites).


  1. you need to purchase Alys Fowler's book The Thrifty Forager... or borrow my copy... it's our bible!

  2. Started following a while ago because I was interested in the concept of your blog. So, good to see you blogging again and good luck with the foraging!
