Tuesday 20 July 2010

Pun in the Oven

I have the deepest respect for people who cook anything when it is so hot and humid - although perhaps other peoples kitchens are not the "don't kick over the dog's water, trip over the aged cat, get the cat off the fruit bowl, avoid impaling yourself on the monstrosity of the "Fly Paper" - type of kitchen so barely tolerated by myself.

By the time I have made the area relatively safe and hygenic (think NHS standards only) I am so exhausted and fed up it is as much as I can do to unwrap a frozen Pizza.  Now, Eldest Spawn is arriving at Stupid O'Clock on Wednesday Morning 3.am to be not only precise but, I have just realised, referencing a Simon and Garfunkel album of the late 60's which pleases me somewhat....   Too hot for sentences; I already use more correct punctuation marks than most people so I believe I can be excused this offering.

Where (indeed Why?  ) was I?  Oh yes, Eldest Spawn who is now a Veggie (having also read the dreaded and drattted book (Eating Animals op cit) has just informed me that there will be several of "them" arriving and while practising for their "Wedding Gig" will need regular offering of sustenance.  I will therefore now have to re-visit Belleau Kitchen in order to rip off some of my "original" recipes....  There had better be some easy peasy ones.  Although I now own some Balsamic Vinegar and Fresh Basil so I feel so chic and "can do" about tearing leaves and drizzling stuff - I am soon going to get myself one of those massive "Black Pepper Phallus's" that you pose cheffily with by twisting a million miles above your 'creation' in a dramatic finale.

Oh, well, better get on with it then.....


  1. about to make some baked field mushrooms with pesto... REALLY easy... and also risotto (using frozen peas) is good for many people... see blog for tips

    love you x

  2. What a lovely blog. Yes, it has been horrid hot hasn't it? I plagued my mum when I was 15 by becoming vegetarian, and later on in life, vegan...

    I'm back to eating meat now. In the meantime, get a Linda McCartney or Rose Elliott cookbook and get Eldest Spawn to cook summat wonderful up for you ;-D

  3. Eldest Spawn decided to do"Barbeque on the Beach" - I'll explain, (rant) later... Thanks. xx
