Wednesday, 10 November 2010

The Reality of Vegetarian Food

in my case means that no matter what you start out cooking - the end result is almost always the same. However, I have to report that I am gradually and doggedly perservering with the accumulation of "dishes" that are fit to eat, nutrious and vaguely capable of being repeated on a consistant level. 

There is one sort of by-product effect from being a veggie household that I hadnt considered before .. which is after a while preparing and cooking the food becomes less of a hassle than in the meat eating days.  Veggies take only minutes to prepare and cook - there are no longer carcasses hanging around hideously in the fridge waiting for inspiration.  The downside is the lack of the unbelievably comforting "chicken soup" but I am now entering my veggie soup phase since it is so cold that the Rayburn is being pressed into daily service.Jacket potatoes and thick vegetable stews are now calling.  I will soldier on.


  1. keep your pecker up Annie and be inspired by my veggie sausage stew:

  2. paying it forward blog style:
