Wednesday, 10 November 2010

The Reality of Vegetarian Food

in my case means that no matter what you start out cooking - the end result is almost always the same. However, I have to report that I am gradually and doggedly perservering with the accumulation of "dishes" that are fit to eat, nutrious and vaguely capable of being repeated on a consistant level. 

There is one sort of by-product effect from being a veggie household that I hadnt considered before .. which is after a while preparing and cooking the food becomes less of a hassle than in the meat eating days.  Veggies take only minutes to prepare and cook - there are no longer carcasses hanging around hideously in the fridge waiting for inspiration.  The downside is the lack of the unbelievably comforting "chicken soup" but I am now entering my veggie soup phase since it is so cold that the Rayburn is being pressed into daily service.Jacket potatoes and thick vegetable stews are now calling.  I will soldier on.

I've Gotta Get Out of This Place.......

It's not that I hate it - living in a smallhamlet (village ) in rural lincolnshire is fine by me - life goes on quite routinely - try as I might I cannot get organised and make my life flow any more smoothly - I will always be playing catch-up, trying to just lurch from one must do thing to another.  The fixed points on the compass of the day, walk the dog, feed the cat, kids to school, kids to football, kids to everywhere... cook, clean sleep.... these are the coat hooks around which I stumble - like a person with no musical talent or experience trying to hit the key notes in a jazz jam.  I dont want to look back however and wonder what the hell I was doing for all these years! 

My best friend is currently in the Amazon beating off mossies and sticky heat and men that want to buy her two gorgeous daughters ..... is this why I am experiencing an overwhelming load of frustration and uselessness?  Everyday I think "this will be the day that I make a difference to my life" - and yet and yet.......

Nostalgia is my enemy... I need to feel better and I need to stop whinging.  Sorry.  I will attempt to slap myself around the head for a bit and come back out fighting......