Monday, 18 October 2010

Being a Rubbish Mum (Part 3)

It's not that I had any great expectations of being an un-rubbish mum or anything - so you know, I haven't fallen from a great height to where I wallow now....  I do sort of try.  I make food that is usually fit for general consumption, I wash clothes and sometimes even iron them, I help with homework and try and facilitate activities for the growing boys in my charge.  So, wherein does my inadequacy lie?  Why cant I just resign myself to the fact that everything I do must be for these little characters that I have created?  Why would I be surprised that I have to get up early every day even on saturday and sunday to get them to their various social and educational appointments?  Why would I even slightly sigh when I spend  every minute either scratching a few pounds together for the family pot or ferrying the sweet darlings around to their clubs and friends and shopping whims?  Why?

Actually, when I put it like that I feel even more shabby.  They are only kids after all.  What else am I supposed to do with them?  I attempt to teach them self reliance and self determination only to end up with the even more depressing conclusion that I am more inadequate than I thought in the first place.  How come other people seem to have this side of things nailed?  I can only imagine that the "supermums" have access to some secret formula that they are not letting me have.

On a more positive note - when I am not shattered with self loathing, frustration and defeat I have to admit that they make me laugh a lot of the time.  Children living in the moment are quite entertaining to me.  I am not going to win any prizes that's for sure but hey, I'm trying here.....


  1. um, they're really good kids... and there is no secret formula... nobody has it 'nailed'... everyone has the same fears and worries as you, but you just happen to express them... all this from a 'confirmed bachelor' with no kids, so don't listen to me!!

  2. thanks Dom. I think I was having a little teensy bit of self indulgent poor me time! Sorry. Normal caustic reception will follow after a word from our sponsers....
